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Public Notice of Board Meetings

Meeting Dates, Agendas, and Minutes


In accordance with state law, notice for all regular public meetings must be posted on state agency websites and agendas for all public meetings at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting.


A technological problem or failure that either prevents the posting of public notices on a website or that temporarily or permanently prevents the use of all or part of the website does not preclude the holding of the meeting for which the notice was posted, if the public body complies with all other public notice requirements.


Please note 2024-2025 Meeting Dates, Agendas and Meeting Minutes can be found HERE.


Emergency Meetings â€‹


South Carolina's Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requires that public bodies provide notice of regular meetings and make agendas available at least 24 hours in advance. However, there are some exceptions for emergency meetings, including: 

  • Notice: Written notice is required for emergency meetings, but 24-hour notice is not. 

  • Agendas: Agendas can be amended within 24 hours with a 2/3rds vote. 

  • Final action: If an item is added to the agenda for final action, and there is no opportunity for public comment, the board must find that an emergency or exigent circumstance exists. 

In addition, the FOIA allows individual Directors to participate in emergency meetings by phone or other electronic means, as long as everyone in attendance can hear and participate.  


Please see below for any notice of an emergency meeting:



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