Address: 10-B Holly Hall Road, Beaufort, SC 29907
School Main Office: 843-489-8433
Board of Directors
We are fortunate to have a diverse Board of Directors who make it a priority to stay involved in our day-to-day.
Public Notice of Board Meetings
Meeting Dates, Agendas, and Minutes
In accordance with state law, notice for all regular public meetings must be posted on state agency websites and agendas for all public meetings at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting.
A technological problem or failure that either prevents the posting of public notices on a website or that temporarily or permanently prevents the use of all or part of the website does not preclude the holding of the meeting for which the notice was posted, if the public body complies with all other public notice requirements.

Meeting Schedule
Access the current calendar year's (2024 - 2025) Meeting Schedule, please click the "More Info" button, included below.
Meetings are held the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 5:15pm both virtually and on campus at 10b Holly Hall Road, Beaufort, SC 29907.
Please note that Emergency Meetings can be scheduled no less than 24 hours prior to the convening of the meeting.