Address: 10-B Holly Hall Road, Beaufort, SC 29907
School Main Office: 843-489-8433

Personalized Learning
Place-Based Instruction
Proactive School Culture
Good Begets Good
Teamwork Teamwork Teamwork Teamwork Teamwork Teamwork Teamwork
Honor Honor Honor Honor Honor Honor Honor Honor Honor Honor
Resilience Resilience Resilience Resilience Resilience Resilience Resilience
Innovation Innovation Innovation Innovation Innovation Innovation
Voice Voice Voice Voice Voice Voice Voice Voice Voice Voice Voice Voice
Energy Energy Energy Energy Energy Energy Energy Energy Energy Energy
Teamwork Teamwork Teamwork Teamwork Teamwork Teamwork Teamwork
Honor Honor Honor Honor Honor Honor Honor Honor Honor Honor
Resilience Resilience Resilience Resilience Resilience Resilience Resilience
Innovation Innovation Innovation Innovation Innovation Innovation
Voice Voice Voice Voice Voice Voice Voice Voice Voice Voice Voice Voice
Energy Energy Energy Energy Energy Energy Energy Energy Energy Energy

More Than Core Values
Embracing the ethos of perpetual excellence, our motto, T.H.R.I.V.E., transcends mere success to encompass prosperity, health, security, intellect, and all facets of holistic growth. With a sincere commitment to nurturing scholars, we foster an environment where goals and expectations flourish. We believe in continuous growth and evolution - a state akin to a forever blooming flower. Within our walls, comfort is not just a feeling, but a fundamental tenet, inviting all to explore their limitless potential and bask in the abundance of knowledge and opportunities that surround us.
Sea Islands Heritage Academy
Our Approach
Place-Based Instruction
Proactive Culture
Powered by Community
Personalized Learning
At the heart of Sea Islands Heritage Academy is our focus on student achievement, socioemotional learning, and principles of inclusive education.
Through place-based instruction and personalized learning, we are well-equipped to emphasize these important areas of focus in support of creating healthy, life-long learners.

We Put the Personal in Personalized Learning
With multiple teachers in each class, scholars get the one-on-one support that they need. Our educators are developed in the skills of identifying and supporting individual scholar needs with personalized learning plans. At Sea Islands Heritage Academy, we see your scholar's needs and tailor their instruction!

Connections│Personalized Learning
Student Achievement
Socioemotional Learning
Inclusive Education
Learning is a “productive struggle”: it is collaborative, experiential, reflective, and built on prior knowledge and student curiosity.
Establish a culture that puts relationships and social-emotional support first so that every student is known and gets the support they need to succeed.
We give scholars the time and resources to set goals, work independently and collaboratively.
We give faculty time, resources, and a collaborative atmosphere to continually develop their skills and create, evaluate and refine curricula, and reflect on the learning of their students.

Honoring Place to Make
Learning Relevant
In honoring the arts, history, civic, and natural resources of the Sea Islands, scholar learning is placed in a local context. Scholars will receive high-quality, standard aligned instruction that is relevant to their every-day experiences.

Connections│Place-Based Instruction
Student Achievement
Socioemotional Learning
Inclusive Education
Provide a place-based, project-based learning environment in which teachers guide students through active learning processes to develop conceptual understanding and critical thinking.
Rooting instruction in place – both in content and in problem-solving initiatives – is key to maintaining a sense of belonging.
To foster a culture of inclusivity for our scholars, we prioritize the assets present in the Sea Islands to provide relevant instruction, mindful of the history of our region.